Friday, January 15, 2010

Samuel Huber

Below are couple of shots of Samuel Huber who was gracious enough to stand in for light tests between wardrobe changes for Andre Bell's shoot.  I truly regret that I passed on the dinner invitation with the posse that evening.

I like the full body shoot of Samuel in particular because his expression reminds me of the legendary baseball player, Pittsburgh Pirate star short stop, Honas Wagner.  

Anyhow, I ran into these images while I was cleaning out folders that I wanted to archive.  Frequently, I stumble upon shots that have been languishing in a hard drive for months, sometimes years before I begin to appreciate that there might be something interesting about the shot.   I guess the lesson is: unless the image is absolute garbage, do not throw it out.  Hard drives are cheap.   Moments are not.


About This Blog

Adelio Trinidad is a Victoria B.C. based photographer. He typically works on his blog after his children have gone to bed.

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